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Cash Donations

Every pet we care for costs an average of $1,300. And because we’re a local organization that’s not funded by any other humane society or government agency, we’re completely dependent on the support from our community. Whether you're an avid golfer or an animal enthusiast, consider joining our mission and help keep our lifesaving programs running. Financial gifts are the lifeblood of our operations. And every dollar matters: - $10 helps provide food to our shelter animals - $25 can help with gas costs for our rescue vehicles - $50 helps underwrite a spay or neuter surgery of a pet to prepare them for adoption - $100 will save the life of a severely injured animal - $250 buys medication for pets in our Second Chance Animal Trauma Hospital™ Your donations support the many life-saving programs that we offer, and every gift makes a huge difference. Thank you.

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