Support the School by Donating Today

Donation Packages
  • Art Supplies

    With a generous $500 donation, Scottsdale Artists’ School Youth Academy has been able to bring 3 artists and all supplies needed to a school in our community for two hours of unique youth art programming. 

  • Teen Merit Scholarship Program

    This amazing $1,000 donation allowed our Youth Academy to launch an innovative “Teen Merit Scholarship Program” for students aged 14-19 who exhibited passion and promise in visual arts. The merit scholarships enabled these young artists to attend a week long summer intensive program in the arts, in professional art studio surroundings, complete with art supplies.

  • Studio Equipment

    A generous $1,500 donation provides up-to-date studio equipment such as easels, taboret tables and stools. On average, the School must replace 10-12 of each per year.

  • Artist-in-Residence

    Scottsdale Artists’ School Youth Academy is reaching out into the community! A $2,500 donation is providing our new Outreach Program with the opportunity to place a professional Artist-in-Residence with a school in our community. The students are working together with our Artist-in-Residence to create a collaborative mosaic tile mural with an educational theme.

This is a General Donation

As a non-profit organization, we serve a diverse community of over 3,000 students and visitors each year. Our ability to deliver high-quality art education experiences to individuals of all ages, from novices to professionals, relies on the generosity of individuals, corporations, foundations, and charitable entities. Your tax-deductible contribution is of paramount importance in sustaining our mission. Furthermore, your support allows us to collaborate with various organizations throughout the valley, enabling us to extend free or low-cost arts programming to even broader segments of our community. Your commitment to our cause is instrumental in fostering a more vibrant and inclusive arts community in our region.

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